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Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

tugas soffskil bahasa inggris2

NAMA : Vicky Agustya Mulyana
NPM     : 18210362

TransJakarta, or commonly known as Busway. Busway is a transport system Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the first in South East Asia. Transport operates since 2004 in Jakarta, Indonesia. This system is designed based on the Trans Milenio successful system in Bogota, Colombia. TransJakarta was designed as a mass transportation support activities are very capital intensive. TransJakarta BRT system is to track the trajectory of the worl’s longest (208 km), and has 228 stops scattered in 12 corridor (lane), which operates from 5:00 to 22:00 pm. TransJakarta operated by TransJakarta Busway Management Unit (UPTB) under Jakarta Provincial Transport Department, which is fully responsible to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province. The idea of ​​the construction of Bus Rapid Transit project in Jakarta appeared around 2001. Later this idea was followed up by the Governor of Jakarta at the time, Sutiyoso. An institute called the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) becomes important that accompanies the planning process of this project. The initial concept of this system was made by PT. Copyright Pamintori, a transportation consultant who has frequently collaborated with the Jakarta Transportation Agency. In addition to private parties, there are several others who also support the success of this project, among them the American aid agency (U.S. AID) and the University of Indonesia’s Center for Transportation Studies (UI-CTS). TransJakarta started operations on January 15, 2004, marked with the inauguration of Corridor 1, with the aim of providing transportation services that are faster, convenient, and affordable for the citizens of Jakarta. Since the beginning of the operation of TransJakarta, ticket prices are set to be subsidized by the local government. In order to socialize and the introduction of mass transit is to the community, the first 2 weeks of operation (15-30 January 2004) TransJakarta users are not subject to tariffs. Starting February 1, 2004, rates for USD TransJakarta into force in 2000. Several post-inauguration development of Corridor 1 continue, among other bus drivers vacancies open to women, improvement of infrastructure and the bus stop, the implementation of special zones Women, placement officer at the bus, sterilization TransJakarta lane with manual and automatic portals, pilot contra-flow system (TransJakarta lane opposite to the general lines which intersect), as well as services for users with disabilities.
Lack of feeder buses (feeders) that help serve TransJakarta. In addition, some pedestrian bridges built for the passengers of TransJakarta periodically suffered damage, for example, which perforated floor bridges and stairs that have been damaged floor. At rush hour, the number of available fleet has not proportional to the number of passengers causing long queues at shelters (especially for corridors 2 and 3), crime also occasionally occur in peak hours when fully charged crowded bus. Existing shelters are not provided adequate means of ventilation so as to make the room became stuffy when there are a lot of people queuing. on the bus ride certain hours (in certain circumstances, have given a solution, ie after coordination, the bus will take the path from the opposite direction, while buses from the opposite direction will pass through a common pathway). But often stop announcements supplied does not match the stop to be traversed, this is caused by the negligence of the driver who forgot to press a key announcement in due course. Besides that manufacture or operator of TransJakarta made tremendous congestion and often outside the boundaries of reasonableness, especially the construction of the track and the road surface elevate the shortage of SPBGs make headway on a number into a long corridor, because the location SPBBG distant and sometimes there are problems in a SPBGs. Because often entered (suddenly) by pedestrians and private vehicles, then at some point in Corridor 2 and 3 on a regular basis accidents involving TransJakarta bus and pedestrian / private vehicle.
TransJakarta fleet not so much. It is seen from the frequent sightings of passengers at many stops pile. Passengers had to wait long for the arrival of the bus, but sometimes also buses come sequentially. I think this should be more attention. Do not let passengers wait too long. My assessment of the fleet itself transjakartanya also many that are not well maintained. The inside of the bus is dirty, the AC did not feel cold, and sometimes there is a leak. Bridge to the bus stop is also too complicated, not to mention there are some stairs are missing, torn, and it has not been repaired. The existence of TransJakarta at first is to reduce congestion. TransJakarta is expected to be the preferred mode of transportation for the traveling public. It’s just that, in fact now, TransJakarta not be an option for the transportation of certain circles (circles above).
In January the city government adds TransJakarta buses imported from China. Regardless of the message bus that reportedly damaged and corroded, the government should prefer domestic products rather than imported from abroad. Because Indonesia is able to make quality industrial products and not inferior to foreign products. In addition to submitting the project to the nation as it will give them the opportunity to prove his ability. It certainly can make us proud because Indonesia has a foreign subsidiary that could help advance the country with product creation. Import TransJakarta bus causing many Indonesian foreign exchange flowing into other countries. It was certainly detrimental to the economy and there is the possibility of Indonesian industrial labor feel better export their products to foreign countries than for use in the country due to lack of attention from the consumer to the product. Aside from some of the impact of imports, a new TransJakarta bus condition is not as it should in my opinion also very unfortunate. It was because of how much money is being spent to import these buses and the result is the damage caused buses are not operating as they should. That led to the goal that should be imported to reduce congestion became a new problem and adds more to the cost of repair expenses. I hope in the future Indonesia could see and buy more domestic products that does not lose quality with foreign products. The price difference should not be a major issue for their own domestic products of the same quality or better than foreign products.


Kalimalang River

When we visited the town of Bekasi then we will see a river that runs in the middle of the city of Bekasi. River length of Purwakarta Jatiluhur to the area of ​​East Jakarta, Kalimalang river its name. The road along the time makes a very strategic area for residential and even commercial. Kalimalang itself actually is not the time or the nature of the river, but a man-made time, which aims to supply clean water from the reservoir. Since that time the water quality in the area of ​​Bekasi to Jakarta is not suitable for consumption. Then, why is called Kalimalang? Average time nature in West Java was always flows from South to North or North to South, because the coast of West Java in the north and the south. But Kalimalang river from east to west and transversely between existing natural time. Kalimalang made with natural position above the river that flows from South to North. Can be seen in the area Cipinang Melayu, Kalimalang position is above the position of crossing times Sunter Sunter Kalimalang toward the North and to the West. Kalimalang which has a length of 20 km, from Cawang (Jakarta) to Bekasi, village or region that covers along the river is New Cawang - Cipinang Melayu - Pondok Bambu - Coconut Cottage - Lampiri - Sources Arta - Transito - Jaka Permai - galaxy - Earth Dating Satria, Bekasi and Metropolitan Mall continues until the Bekasi area.
Kalimalang River watershed is derived from Jatiluhur dam in Purwakarta is essentially used to supply water to the Water Company (PAM). In addition to irrigate agricultural areas, the flow of the river flowing past Kalimalang some areas which eventually empties into the sea is also used by the surrounding communities as a means of domestic interests such as washing, bathing, to dispose of human waste. Habits of the people who are always taking out the trash, and defecating coupled with other activities such as bathing children make Kalimalang become unhygienic water again. Though Kalimalang water is a source of raw water for the water needs of the majority of the river’s flow into the territory of East Jakarta and Bekasi area. Coupled with the presence of a mound of rubbish on the edge this time resulted in complete already Kalimalang river water pollution problems. The pollution of the river water is usually brownish Kalimalang, suddenly turned into a solid black and oily.
The water in the channel Kalimalang obviously been contaminated waste even there is also a result of chemical waste polluted river banks made a lot of shelter thrift. E-coli contamination levels there ranged from 80,000 to 100,000 MPN per 100 miles of water. Though e-coli threshold for raw materials clean water only Rp. 1,000 MPN/100 miles of water. But as has been said that the next Mayor of Bekasi will be held jobs related to flood management in Bekasi. One of them is the development pengerjaaan Sifon Kalimalang the budget using state budget funds as well as funds from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). WTC irrigation canal that divides the city of Bekasi, the river flow will be resting around the weir Bekasi, Bekasi. From Bekasi Weir, Water Kalimalang already united with water piped times Bekasi west to Jakarta. In addition to maintaining the quality of raw water from Jatiluhur, irrigation channel separation with time Bekasi WTC can also minimize flooding to urban areas. Imperative in planning the construction of culverts required careful technical planning. In accordance with Law no. 11 1971 on irrigation in chapter 8 says that the arrangements for water and irrigation system as well as the construction of water prepared on the basis of planning and technical planning in the public interest.

2014 Election
General Election (Election) is the process of selecting people to fill certain political positions. Positions are diverse, ranging from the president, elected representatives at various levels of government, the village head. Election is one attempt to influence people in a persuasive manner (not forced) to perform activities of rhetoric, public relations, mass communication, lobbying and other activities. Although agitation and propaganda in democratic countries was heavily criticized, but in the general election campaign, agitation techniques and propaganda techniques used by many of the candidates or politicians always political communicator. In the election, voters in the election also called constituents, and to the participants in the election they offer promises and programs during the campaign. Campaigns conducted during the designated time, ahead of polling day. After the voting is done, the counting process begins. Election Winners are determined by the rules of the game or the system of determining the winner of which has previously been defined and approved by the participants, and disseminated to the voters. General Election of President and Vice President of Indonesia will next be held in 2014. This will be the third direct presidential election in Indonesia, and the elected president will have the job for the time period up to five years. Obligations of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is constitutionally barred from a third in the election.
Election 2014 will be held twice: Legislative and Election Presidential Election. Legislative elections on April 9, 2014 to elect the members of the legislative council. While the presidential election on July 9, 2014 which will select the President and Vice President. Legislative candidate or candidate is a person who was running for the legislature, or prospective members of the House of Representatives or the Legislative Council. The selection of candidates followed by several parties, namely Nasdem Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), PDI (PDI-P), the Golkar Party, Gerindra, the Democratic Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), the United Development Party (PPP), Hanura, Aceh Peace Party, National Party Aceh, the Aceh Party, and the Crescent Star Party PFM Indonesia (PKPI). By counting the number of seats by the Commission, PDIP quota of seats is 109 seats, followed by Golkar Party 91 seats, Gerindra 73 seats, the Democratic Party 61 seats, and PAN 49 seats. Then PKB 47 seats, 40 seats PKS, PPP 39 seats, Nasdem Party 35 seats, 16 seats and Hanura. The selection of candidates this year is very exciting. In fact there are some areas that held elections as candidates with unique costumes are manifold. Of course it can attract enthusiastic residents in the area. For the presidential election there are 23 presidential candidates that include Joko Widodo, Jusuf Kalla, Ani Yudhoyono, Megawati, Prabowo, and others.

Gunadarma University

Gunadarma University or so called Gunadarma or Gundar. Gunadarma University is a private university in Indonesia. Its main campus is located in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Education Gunadarma University is number 1 in the world since 1996. Gunadarma is a Private University established on August 7, 1981. With rector is Prof. Dr. ES Margianti, SE MM. Before becoming Gunadarma University, had originally stood PPIK (Computer Science Education), but was changed to STMIK (School of Information and Computer management) Gunadarma and 6 years later turned into STIE (School of Economics) Gunadarma. However dated 3 April 1996, STMIK and STIE Gunadarma melt into GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY. Consisting of four new faculty is the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, School of Psychology, Faculty of Letters. Gunadama University has been transformed into one of the private colleges based information and communication technology in Indonesia.
In December 2013, the top 100 ranking of 358 universities in Indonesia, according to Webometrics, University Gunadarma included in the top 5. Gunadarma University has three academic programs. Namely the Diploma program, available Information Technology, Business and Entrepreneurship, and Health. Information technology management consists of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Business and Entrepreneurship which is expected to provide instructional materials on the importance of an academic achievement and independence for students Gunadarma University in particular and for society in general, while Health is comprised of Midwifery. In the program there are six faculties namely Bachelor of Computer Science, Economics, Industrial Technology, Civil Engineering and Planning, Psychology and Literature. Each school has courses that can be selected. While the Graduate School of Education is divided into Operation, Master Program, and the Doctoral Program. Among faculty and majors available, but the most favored in this is Gunadarma University Communicative Sciences and Computer. Each faculty has the vision and mission of each department. In addition, the lecturers who teach in each faculty is potentially one of the lecturers who are professors of the University of Indonesia.
Gunadarma University Institute which has 3 Research Institute, Institute of Development, and the Institute for Community Service. Each institution has a function and purpose. Of course, the learning material is also very effective in order to be applied within the community. Gunadarma University has eight campuses with a total of 14 campuses all housed in some areas. 167 has a lecture room, 12 rooms on campus A, 19 spaces on campus B and C, 18 D space on campus, on-campus room E 55, G 39 spaces on campus and on-campus room 24 J. For the purposes of teaching and learning lecture hall equipped with a very supportive, which are: OHP, Tape Recorder, Central Speaker Sound System, Computer Projector, Slide Projector and others. Gunadarma have a complete variety of laboratory facilities to support learning certain majors. That laboratory for computer science, English literature D3 Midwifery, architecture and so forth. In detail, there Gunadarma University campus facilities include classrooms, libraries, laboratories, seminar rooms, auditoriums, senate chamber, BPM, meeting rooms, waiting rooms faculty, academic consulting room, cooperatives, workspace management and employees, and musholah mosques, as well as sports fields. In fact there are also clinics and Banks, wherein Gunadarma has been working with the Bank DKI to conduct payment transactions Gunadarma University activities.

Jakarta International School (JIS)
Jakarta International School or the so called JIS is a private international school in Jakarta, Indonesia. Located on Jl. Terogong Kingdom 33 Cilandak, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. The school was established in 1951 for the children of expatriates living in Jakarta and an international primary and secondary schools in Indonesia. JIS has 2,400 students aged 3 to 19 years from 60 countries. Teachers who work in hundreds JIS representing 20 different nationalities. JIS students and teachers in using English. The school curriculum follows the model of North America from the school to grade 12. School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council of International Schools. U.S. State Department reported that the Jakarta International School curriculum has a strong international focus and consider it as one of the best schools abroad to prepare students enter universities in the United States. JIS has three campuses, two in SD in Pattimura and Pondok Indah, and the main campus for middle and high school in Cilandak, South Jakarta.
However, in 2014, cases of sexual violence occurring in JIS. Unfortunately, according to news circulating sexual violence is committed by employees cleanliness JIS. In April 2014, it was reported that a five year old JIS students have been repeatedly raped by employees of hygiene while going to the toilet. The existence of a toilet that turns away from the reach of CCTV cameras make it easier to commit crimes suspects. Even reported, that there is in the toilet room to room as the Employee hygiene. The victim claimed to have been sexually assaulted at least five people in the school. The victim’s parents reported her son’s case to the police. Two persons, namely Awan and Agun, immediately picked up and used as a suspect. Four others followed after the discovery of the virus in the body of evidence of the similarity of victims and perpetrators. All four are Zaenal, Syahrial, Afriska, and Azwar. The last name was found dead in the toilet Jakarta Police.
Of the five suspects in JIS sexual violence, there is one woman who participated in the act of sexual violence. According to information, the victim threatened to be killed if it does not follow the will of the five suspects. The victim’s mother, said her son often mengigo and complained of pain in the anus area. However, the victim finally reported to her mother when home from school. The mother checked his son to the hospital. And it turns out her son became victims of sexual abuse and venereal disease. Namely herpes disease due to the immoral act. The victim’s mother immediately reported to the Jakarta Police and KPAI, because not accept the treatment of their children. Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) assess sexual assault victim’s mother at Jakarta International School (JIS) instrumental in exposing cases of violence against children. “Reports from the victim’s parents JIS great momentum and a battering ram to report cases of violence against children,” said Commissioner of Education KPAI, Susanto, at his office, Friday, May 16, 2014.